Monday 20 January 2014

Print making assessment

The White Whale in "Moby Dick"
Is an elusive creature of almost mythical status like the unicorn, and almost as impossible to capture. The crew of the Pequod see the harpoons still sticking out from the albino whale by failed other attempts made by other men that came before them. The harpoons are like failed dreams of other people; we hear about people who have taken the same course of action as we and failed. Still it does not diminish the desire to capture one's dream.

The white whale is symbolic of 'art' to me. At times I've felt that I couldn't succeed in my dream to pursue art and got led into different paths, but the alluring call has always brought me back to my obsession that is art.

In the image I chose to portray the white whale rising up from the depths while the Pequod sails along on a seemingly calm day. To capture that experience that we all must take in pursuing things be it: education, careers, love, dreams etc.
It's a journey and the not knowing of how it's going to play out for you. Also metaphorically 'the sea' being this deep and vast journey that we all embark on, and into the great unknown with dreams of glory and tales of ruin, exciting and terrifying all at once. 

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